Sigmund Freud's Nephew Changed The World. We Fall for it Every Day. But Better Days are Arriving Soon.
Media spin can trick our minds into believing anything. But we're not falling for it this time.
by Jon Forrest Little
This morning I was driving my wife to work and was saddened about US media gaslighting and misleading The US and Global citizen…
So this story discusses why superpowers love to keep the villagers in the dark but how truth always finds it way out of the secret rooms and why there will be better days soon.
Below is a small slice of stories we don’t hear but it’s essential to learn how this trickery works so we don’t fall for it.
I told my wife this morning that she agreed, “There is not one news story on any of these topics below.”
Housing, Food, Gasoline, Healthcare, etc. are unaffordable for most people because wages can not keep up with currency debasement.
The US started a war in Ukraine.
Dr. Mearsheimer, a University of Chicago expert on how this proxy war was started by NATO. Dr. Mearsheimer
NOTE - who is Dr. Mearsheimer, and why should we listen to him?
Professor John J. Mearsheimer won the 2020 James Madison Award, given by the American Political Science Association (APSA) to an American political scientist who has made a distinguished scholarly contribution to political science.
The James Madison Award is one of the most prestigious awards in political science.
The US is at war with Russia.
The US Federal Reserve is debasing our currency, creating misery for the masses.
That the “border crisis” is caused by the US foreign policy of inflicting poverty on the Southern hemisphere (w/the exception of Australia, New Zealand, and S. Africa) and that migrants are fleeing to the land of Disney, celebrity worship, Amazon products and culture I call “Wayfair you are just what I need” consumption.
That the US engages in climate warfare via “geoengineering” aka “weather modification” source -
That geoengineering, weather modification, and space weather modification have been ongoing for over 100 years
US working with global elites to “conduct simulations” on engineering viruses.
US unleashing virus to kill off large swaths of people.
US working with global elites to “conduct simulations” on banking failures.
US Monetary policy intentionally wrecks the economy so corporate elite clients can pick up assets (after the crash) for “pennies on the dollar.”
What happened to the trillions of missing dollars per research by renowned economics professor Dr. Mark Skidmore?
What has the US done with the gold they stole from Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and other Latin American and African nations?
What are the 57 undeclared wars since WW2?
According to Ivy League Brown University, what are the human tragedies associated with these 57 undeclared wars?
The answer here -
Wars the US waged in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Pakistan following September 11, 2001, caused at least 4.5 million deaths and displaced 38 to 60 million people, with 7.6 million children starving today, according to studies by Brown University
History of Propaganda or Media Manipulation in the Modern Era
Edward Bernays (1891-1995) was an Austrian-American pioneer in public relations and propaganda.
He was the nephew of Sigmund Freud and is considered the father of public relations. Bernays is famous for his many successful campaigns, including one that promoted female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist Torches of Freedom. He also helped to create the term "spin" and is credited with coining the phrase" Public Relations."
Here are some additional details about Edward Bernays:
He was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1891.
He studied psychology at the University of Vienna and the Columbia University School of Journalism.
He was a publicist for various clients, including Procter & Gamble, United Fruit General Electric, US Dept of State, CIA, and the American Tobacco Company.
He wrote several books on public relations, including "Crystallizing Public Opinion" (1923) and "Propaganda" (1928).
He died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1995 at 103.
Bernays and work with US Presidents and Foreign Policy to promote Imperialism
Bernays also worked with Roosevelt on the campaign to get Americans to support the war effort in World War II. Bernays helped to create propaganda that painted the war as a moral crusade, and he worked to convince Americans that they had a duty to fight.
Bernays's work with Roosevelt significantly impacted the development of public relations. He helped establish the field as a legitimate profession, and PR professionals still use his methods today.
Here are some of the specific projects that Bernays worked on with Roosevelt:
He helped to create the slogan "Fireside Chats," which Roosevelt used to speak directly to the American people on radio.
He helped promote the Good Neighbor Policy, Roosevelt's attempt to install friendly dictators in Latin America.
He helped to promote the war effort in World War II.
Bernays shapes public opinion so US foreign policy can brutalize Latin America.
In the 1950s, when Bernays worked with United Fruit and the US government, the Department of State was headed by John Foster Dulles. Dulles was a strong anti-communist, and he was a crucial figure in the development of the Cold War foreign policy of the United States.
In the 1950s, Bernays was hired by United Fruit to help the company fight against the Guatemalan government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán.
Arbenz Guzmán had implemented many reforms that threatened United Fruit's interests in Guatemala, including an agrarian reform that would have redistributed land to landless peasants. Bernays launched a propaganda campaign against Arbenz Guzmán, painting him as a communist dictator and claiming he threatened US interests in the region.
Bernays also worked with the US government on many projects, including numerous propaganda campaigns against the Soviet Union. He was a close advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and helped to develop the US foreign policy via his so-called" "public relations strategy.""
Bernays's work for United Fruit and the US government was immoral, illegal, and unwise because he only served powerful interests like United Fruit, whereby 97% of the arable land was in control of 2% of the population and turned entire nations into colonies benefitting US agribusiness over the well being of the Latin Americans.
Bernay's primary tool was writing press releases to manipulate public opinion and promote the interests of the powerful.
Bernays was a controversial figure, and his methods of persuasion were manipulative. However, he was also a brilliant strategist and marketer, and his work profoundly impacted the development of public relations.
Lucky Strike Cigarette Campaign.
In the nineteenth century, people thought or media portrayed thought that only fallen women, "whores’ and "prostitutes," would smoke. Only sly, devious, and "characterless" women were shown to be smoking on screen. The next was to teach women how to smoke correctly.
By correctly, he meant "ladylike," not "whore like," so he hired debutantes and fashion models to appear in photo shots as "upper class" aristocrats, and these fashion models would be in beautiful dresses smoking elegantly.
Bernays PR stunts for media coverage.
In 1929, Bernays encouraged women to march down Fifth Avenue during the Easter parade in New York City and protest against gender inequality.
Bernays telegrammed thirty debutantes and models from a friend at Vogue to participate in the demonstration, encouraging them to combat the prejudice against women smokers. There were hopes that prominent figures from the Women's Movement and Churches would join to show unity in accepting female smokers.
It gained vast coverage and allowed women to feel confident about smoking in public despite potential ridicule.
Marches also took place in Boston, Detroit, and San Francisco, and newspapers across the country published stories on it.
Bernays central idea was to manipulate the consumer's opinion and values and break down the appeal of cigarettes through networking and media.
The success of expanding the market to include women related to the association of cigarettes with broader social change.
Smoking was a torch of liberty and freedom in that it was promoted as a substitute for the ballot.
Smoking had been reduced to mostly men and some women considered to be “whores” or lacking character / class. Then Bernays through “torches of freedom” takes cigarette smoking from 98% men to 2% market share to 65% men to 35% women. And overall Lucky Strike’s sales increased by 55% because women were now out of the closet and men and women smoked together.
It was "the thing to do" in Audrey Hepburn’s era, and she did it “elegantly.” Audrey smoked six cigarettes a day, saying that's what her mother told her was proper.
This was how powerful Edward Bernays “torches of freedom” campaign was. It truly changed the cultural landscape and cigarette companies raked in the cash with this massive market expansion.
Here is how we win
Don’t listen to anything you read and that includes me!
You have the judgment deep within you.
Humans only use about 10% to 15% of their brain and the subconscious mind can give you super-powers, the gift of discernment and even the ability to predict and manifest the future.
See you as we move the resistance movement further minute by minute, day by day and we can discover the light working together.